
I am the Co-Founder and Head of Growth of Ladder Global (Digital Marketing Agency), SeamlessC (Software Company) and Entreprenuer Wired (Business Media Channel).

I have helped more than 60 brands formulate business and marketing strategies, build a unique brand identity, set up their digital infrastructure, put out great content, get more leads and increase conversions. These brands span across 18 industries in the Australia, USA, Japan, UAE, Greece, India and Sri Lanka.

Previously I have worked at Managerial and Executive capacities at Multinational organizations such as HSBC, Hayleys and Planlogic. I also hold a General MBA from the University of West London.

I am on a mission to help businesses get more sales and grow, inspire and empower the next generation of entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka and help expedite digitization across the world.

I am using this platform to convey some of my learnings to the world and hopefully educate and entertain a few people in the process. Subscribe to keep in touch.